A Tree With Strong Roots
Withstands all Storms

Trusted senior living advisors. Visionary leaders. Extraordinary results.

What does “Voralto” mean?

Pronounced: [Vor · ‘al · to]

Our name, “Voralto”, captures the essence of our mission in one simple word. 

Derived from the Italian phrase “lavoro per Dio, in alto nel cielo” which translates to “I work for God, in heaven above“, this phrase captures the heart of what we do.  Though it proved a bit difficult for most people to say, thus, we simplified it to “Voralto”, a single word and name that represents our dedication to our mission:

“Our mission is to love and serve our neighbors.”  

While our mission was originally shaped by the experiences and faith of our Chairman, Carl Mittendorff, it is deeply personal for each of our team members.  While growing up, Carl witnessed the crucial role that senior care had on “Papa”, his Italian immigrant grandfather.  A decorated WWII Marine Corps Tank Commander and a passionate restaurateur, Papa’s later years were spent in a Medicaid nursing home.  This highlighted to Carl the critical need for more compassionate and dignified care for our seniors.  Carl’s personal journey directed his career path and kindled a fervent desire to serve seniors with the respect and care they deserve.

In 2016, when Carl stepped into his role as Chairman of the company, then named “Diversified Housing Services”, he realized to establish solid foundation built on a clear mission and core values. Drawing from a principle that resonates across cultures and beliefs, our mission was crystallized as “to love and serve our neighbors”.   This mission echoes the powerful message found in the Bible, Leviticus 19:18, and reiterated as the “second commandment” of the New Testament in Matthew 22:39, Mark 12:31, Romans 13:9, Galatians 5:14.

The hardest climbs result in the greatest views.

Senior living is constantly evolving. We should know…we first planted roots in 1977, over 47 years ago and 10 years before the term “assisted living” even existed. Since then, much has changed in our world. Our mission of loving and serving our neighbors has not. This focus allows us to maintain a “people first” approach to all that we do. As we continue to grow, we remain rooted and driven from the heart. 

If you spend a few moments with our team, two things are likely to happen: First, you’ll smile. Smiling and enjoying the gift of each day is in our DNA. Second, you’ll hear us sharing and brainstorming the things we’re working on to make our communities better. You see, good enough is never good enough for us. 

Drive Profitable Growth

No margin, no mission. We dive deep into operations to be sure we know which KPIs will make the greatest impact to drive results. As the needs evolve, so does our focus.

Accelerate Success

It's not a sprint and it's not a marathon; it's a series of sprints back to back. Time is of the essence. That's why each strategy not only includes a comprehensive plan, but also a "by when" to keep us on track.

Challenge Convention

"We've always done it this way" is a taboo phrase at Voralto unless you're prepared to explain why. This approach is what has set us apart and keeps us constantly improving.